Keto Diet Plan for weight loss
Keto Diet Tips: Know how this diet helps in weight loss Don’t blame the butter for what the bread did. Yes, it is not always the fat that contributes to your weight gain. Carbs have been proven to be a barrier in effective weight loss. Probably that is why something like ‘keto diet meal’ has come into the picture. This is not new and is existing for a century now. People who are very much into fitness and weight loss, must be aware about keto diet. Well, it is known as the magic potion to lose weight. Keto diet refers to a regimen that includes 75-80 per cent fat, 15-20 per cent protein and 5 per cent carbohydrate. It has similar effects on your body as fasting. Following a keto diet means you are making your body significantly deficient of carbohydrates, which is used to produce energy. But in absence of carbs, your body looks for other ways to get the energy. In a bid to do so, it breaks the fat reserves of your liver. This process is known as ketosis and helps you lose weight ...