6 tips to optimize immune function and stay healthy

 6 tips to optimize immune function and stay healthy

Not only are we addressing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but cold and flu season is almost here.

In our clinic, we encourage patients to use the following tips. They can strengthen your immune system and help you stay healthy.

Contact Precautions - Prevention is always the best medicine. Cover coughs and sneezing with the inside of your elbow, wash your hands often and take advantage of hand sanitizers and wipes in public places. Also, keep your vaccines up to date based on your age and season. Vaccines stimulate the immune system for early recognition and disease prevention. These steps, in addition to the COVID-19 guidelines, must become second nature to us all.

Eat Healthy - Give your immune system the nutritional energy it needs for a successful battle against insects. Include a variety of foods that boost the immune system in your diet such as fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, garlic, nuts, whole grains and omega 3 oils. Avoid foods that restrict immune system function. Processed foods, white sugars, and saturated fats cause inflammation in the body, distracting the immune system from doing its most important job of fighting disease.

Sleep - Your immune system regularly requires seven to eight hours of sleep for optimal function. Follow the steps to help you get the hours you need. It's as important as diet, exercise, or whatever - don't neglect it.

Modulate Stress - When people live high-stress lifestyles or face unexpected additional stressors, they are more susceptible to infections. Similar to a poor diet, prolonged stress creates cellular inflammation in the body resulting in decreased immune function. A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular physical activity are a great foundation for stress management. I encourage patients to explore other stress-relieving routines such as mind-body movement, tai chi, essential oils, massage, acupuncture, guided imagery, meditation, and prayer.

Food Supplements - Multivitamins, B vitamins, zinc, vitamins C and D, and mushroom supplements can all benefit the function of the immune system.

Acupuncture - Acupuncture treatments can offer benefits such as improving sleep, reducing the effects of stress on the body, and optimizing the function of the immune system.

The most important step is the first. The beginnings are never easy, but once you take the first steps in the right direction, it's easier to follow the path to staying healthier. In the face of the threats we face today, we have reasons to give impetus. During the COVID-19 pandemic we want to help you stay safe and keep enjoying life.


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