Expert talk: Should you diet or exercise for weight-loss?
Expert talk: Should you diet or exercise for weight-loss?

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If you want to lose
weight and maintain it, then it is not about temporary but a more sustained
effort that can help you reach your goals, fitness and nutrition experts say.
What this means is
keep a workout routine going for three to five days a week and more
importantly, keep a watch on your food intake.
Diet vs exercise
Italian expat Andrea
Giovannini (30), Group Exercise Programme Manager, Fitness First said: “You
must have heard by now how it’s important to maintain a good diet along and
have an exercise regime going to help you lose weight. It is true.”

Andrea Giovannini
Sakina Mustansir, Diet
and Nutrition, Prime Healthcare Group, explains: "If you only do
diet, you’ll lose weight but the toning is not there. And if you are only
toning up without diet, then weightloss doesn’t happen so effectively. I
usually suggest that it should always go hand in hand."
Giovannini said those
making a start on their weight-loss mission, they should workout three days a
week. “Don’t overdo it right from the start. But for the more advanced fitness
enthusiasts I recommend a workout five days a week.”
He said the weekly
exercise must be a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise,
resistance exercise, flexibility exercise and neurometer exercise (functional
fitness training).
Follow a protein-based diet
As for the diet, it is
definitely good to go with a more protein based diet – so eggs, fish and lots
of vegetables. “Meat is recommended, too. Essentially, eating a protein-rich
diet can help people lose weight because it [stops you from] binging or
over-eating. With carbs you can binge. Besides a high protein diet can help
build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Lean muscle helps to burn more
calories throughout the day, which helps in the weight loss.
Nutrition is key
Lebanese expat Banin
Shahine (33), Nutrition Manager at Fitness First said: “70 per cent of weight
loss can be attributed to your nutrition. I have seen people look the same
despite working out a lot. This is because they have not altered their

Banin Shahine
Banin Shahine
Shahine said: “Make
sure you are eating right for the stamina especially if you are working out.
There are no set rules I follow. My nutrition recommendations are based on the
person’s medical history and his or her family history. If there are
pre-medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, the diet we
recommend is completely different.”
“Body types are
different. People respond to diets different.”
Restrictive diets only temporary
Giovannini said diets
like Keto and intermittent fasting are only temporary fixes. “Yes they help you
to shed those kilos quickly. But it is temporary. What you need is a more
permanent life-style change to maintain the weight loss. For example in the
keto diet – the carbs are totally cut out. This is a fabulous way to lose
weight. But what is required is a whole different life-style change when it
comes to maintaining the desired weight and BMI.”
“Extreme calorie
restriction may slow your metabolism and shift your appetite-regulating
hormones, which are both factors that contribute to weight regain,” said
80% dieters gain weight back
Studies show that only
20 per cent of dieters who start off overweight end up successfully losing
weight and keeping it off in the long term.
“When you think of a
diet as a quick fix, rather than a long-term solution to better your health,
you will be more likely to give up and gain back the weight you lost,” said
“Many diets are based
on willpower rather than habits you can incorporate into your daily life. They
focus on rules rather than lifestyle changes, which may discourage you and
prevent weight maintenance,” said Giovannini.
Shahine could not
agree more. “That is why when I set a nutrion plan for someone I go into the
history of the person’s lifestyle and diet and focus around what the person is
comfortable eating.”
Return of the flab

Sakeena Mustansir
There's a reason your
body might be holding on to that weight and why when you go back to an
all-food-group inclusive diet, you may end up with more fat that you began
with. "There is a set point for a weight, not fat. If you are at a
particular weight for a very long time, your body is used to that weight and
when you suddenly lose that weight, your body feels like something is wrong. So
it tries to kind of pull you back to that weight,"
explains Mustansir.
"When you lose
weight, you need to be on that weight for at least 6-8 months so that your body
creates a new set point, so a little tweak here and there [to your diet] won’t
make much of a difference," she adds.
Every diet

Joseph Terterian
Joseph Terterian, an
Armenian expat who is a performer and zumba instructor in Dubai, said: "I
would say each individual has his own diet that works for him/her properly. I
am not a big fan of very strict diets. As a person who was once over weight I
tried everything from low carbs diet to protein diet to mention a few. What
worked for me is eating the meals which I like in moderation and exercising
regularly while enjoying it.I would say if I’m not enjoying it then it’s not
working properly."
Exercise Often
Don’t forget this, say
“Regular exercise
plays an important role in weight maintenance,” said Giovannini.
“It may help you burn
off some extra calories and increase your metabolism, which are two factors
needed to achieve energy balance. When you are in the energy balance, it means
you burn the same number of calories that you consume. As a result, your weight
is more likely to stay the same,” he added.
“Studies show that
adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate –intensity exercise per
week. They must also train each major muscle group two or three days a week
using a variety of exercises and equipments. Flexibility exercise is equally
important. Each stretch should be held for 10 to 30 seconds to the point of
tightness or slight discomfort. That is when it is working,” explained
Neurometer exercise,
also referred to as “functional fitness training” involves motor skills
(balance, agility, coordination and gait). When you combine all these exercises
during the week you are toning your body really well as well keeping the
You can still go extreme - and that's not a bad thing
While fitness gurus
generally tout that obnoxious - only a balanced approach will work - dieticians
call for a more practical approach. "If the weightloss is very gradual,
your motivation is affected because you are not getting encouraged,"
says Mustansir.
"It has to be a
little extreme in the start and then of course it should become more gradual.
What I recommend – you start with something more aggressive so you’ve started
losing, seeing the results and then gradually get back to something that’s more
So what's a good
figure to keep an eye on?
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