exercise regimen that will help you look almost 15 years younger.

Here’s all you need to know about the diet and exercise regimen that will help you look almost 15 years younger.

The ‘no carb, no sugar’ diet
By now, you must be wondering what exactly this ‘no sugar, no carb’ diet is. It is a diet regime in which we basically need to avoid foods that contain carbohydrates and sugar. For example, drinks are quite rich in carbohydrates. So, you must switch to plain water, herbal tea and black coffee.
By ‘no sugar’, we mean foods that contain no added sugar. Eating foods that contain natural sugar is totally fine. You just need to keep an eye on your calorie count. According to a research published in the BMJ Open, added sugars play a key role in the development of diseases and conditions like obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Foods that are processed generally contain a high level of sugar. These include syrup, cane sugar, beet sugar, honey, date sugar, agave, coconut sugar, etc. If you are following this diet regime and want to have snacks, it is quite impossible to look for foods with no carbs. But you can find snacks with very low carbs. Some of them include plain tuna, boiled eggs, olives, etc.
Some people totally restrict sugar and carb when following this regime. However, doing that for long may not be safe for you. It is essential to have some carbohydrates in your diet. Not doing so will make you deficient in some of the important nutrients like fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It can also put your kidney health at stake.

Considered to be one of the essential components of an exercise programme, cardio basically means a rhythmic activity that can increase your heart rate and help in losing fat, calories and maintain cardiovascular health. Some of the commonly performed cardio exercises include burpees, jump rope, squat jump, running, etc.
As far its benefits are concerned, cardio exercises help in weight loss and increase your lung capacity. If you wish to maintain your heart health and live longer, cardio workouts are what you need to practice. Performing them can calm you down and provide relief from anxiety, stress and depression. It will also improve your sleep. The best thing about cardio exercises is that you don’t need to do them for hours. Even 15 to 20 minutes of walking or running will do you good.

Yoga is an ancient exercise that basically focuses on your breathing and body posture. There is a plethora of health benefits that yoga boasts about. From improving your flexibility to building muscle strength and preventing cartilage and joints disorders, yoga does it all for you. If you wish to improve your blood flow, increase your heart rate and boost immunity, performing different kinds of yoga poses is the perfect option. Focusing on yoga training will bring peace and tranquility to your life. Yoga is a way of life. Deep breathing and meditation involved in yoga can keep your free from stress, anxiety and depression.

It is a high-energy workout that helps in burning fats and calories. It can burn around 750 calories in an hour. It is a type of cardio exercise that can potentially tone your entire body by engaging all your body muscles. According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology, aerobic exercises are better than resistance training in burning calories. Indulging in kickboxing is one of the healthy ways to take out your stress and aggression. This will help you get a good night’s sleep and be healthy.  Kickboxing increases secretion of endorphins, the hormone known for reducing stress. This exercise can also help you improve your confidence level, have better body posture and give a boost to your body and mind.

It is one of the best ways to achieve body flexibility. Stretching is basically lengthening of muscles to increase muscle flexibility and joint range of motion. This popular exercise regime is associated with an array of health benefits. Doing it on a regular basis can improve your blood circulation to the muscles. It will nourish your body and help you get rid of the waste byproducts. You can also opt for this exercise for better posture and enhanced daily performance.
Before stretching, you must first warm up by walking. Also, make sure you hold each stretching position for at least 10 to 30 seconds. Do not bounce while doing stretches to avoid small tears in your muscles. If you feel pain during a particular stretch, you may be overdoing it. So, stop right there. Notably, stretching can prevent back pain and it also known to be a great stress reliever. Perform it daily to calm you mind. It can also decrease muscle tension and headaches.


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